Friday, 28 June 2013

Playlist: GameGrump's Sonic 06

Jon and Arin Play Sonic 06

Ratchet And Clank, Getting A Million Bolts!

This is such a hard thing to do without a Glitch
So heres how to get 1,000,000 bolts with a Glitch!

Google Making There Own Console?

Which next gen console are you getting?
PS4? Xbox One? Wii-U? Nu uh Google Console!

Sushi Tank To The Rescue!

Who want's boring Sushi when you can get Sushi in the shape of Tank's?

Thursday, 27 June 2013

Bye Bye Google Reader, Hello Digg Reader

Google Reader Is Leaving Us On The First Of July...
So Digg Has A New Reader Coming Out For Us To Gaze At

Wednesday, 26 June 2013

Ubuntu 13.04 Keyboard Short Cuts

I was on Google+ and saw that my friend shared a shortcut list!
Unfortunately it was for windows, So here's my Ubuntu version!

An Airplane Is Level 5's Most Famous Character?

Internet Jokers voted Kim Jung-un as Time's person of the year!
Internet Jokers also voted an Airplame as Level-5's most famous character!

PS4 vs Xbox One: The Hardware: Memory Subsystems

Here is a technology in the systems, please do remember though, that you'll only really see the difference in exclusives, so this won't matter much with games on both systems!

Interesting ways developers can use Kinect, Ps controller and more!

So The kinect and the playstation 4 controller, have some new features, lets think about ways they could be used in interesting ways!