Wednesday, 27 March 2013

No Turbines?

So as I ride the bus, I see a lovely sign saying 'turbine? No'
As I read I got a little annoyed, why?

There are multiple advantages to having a wind turbine, let's start with efficient energy, the 2 most efficient energy sources at the moment is wind and solar energy!
After that comes water, but water has this thing about eventually eroding materials!

So as I read my thoughts are, when burning coal isn't the answer to gaining energy the only other way of getting energy is solar, being the north of the UK I come to realise that there isn't to much Sun, and being in this day and age doesn't help, Wind power looks like the best source of energy right now in my area!

Another advantage to a turbine is that, it could be a tourist attraction, trust me, when I was a kid I loved turbines, you could even paint it and possibly create it in a style that tells a story or shows something like creativity or love for colours!

Turbines are alot Better then burning coal to get electric, nowadays burning coal for electric is quickening the loss of oil what we could use to create an electricity sauce that could no will last much longer!

Thank you for reading my rant!

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