Thursday, 15 August 2013

First Impressions: Pokemon Rumble U

So today I downloaded Pokemon Rumble U on my WiiU, Took much longer then expected, probably due to my internet speed rather then the game being huge though!
Anyways this is about what I thought of the game, not how good my internet connection is, so lets get into it!

So the game tells me that I've spent 2:14 Hours on the game so far, so what do I think about it?

Ok this isn't the greatest pokemon Rumble game, pokemon rumble blast has much more in that area, but for what console it's on thats ok, the Wii-U to me has become this party console, if I want a single player game I'll play Playstation for the most part, may play some wii-u but not so likely, and if I have some friends over, I'm more likely to switch on the Wii-u and Play nintendo Land, or Mario!

Pokemon Rumble U definitely doesn't change this, to me this is a game made for when your friends come over!
You are forced to play 4 player anyways with AI, so you are definitely meant to play this multiplayer!
the music is all lovely and cutesy to, definitely uplifting stuff!

The game is nothing special, its basically battle royal and end boss fights, but with a few new tricks, and challenges, the biggest thing to me here, is collecting all of the pokemon and doing all the challenges, If you beat a challenge you get a pokemon which is a bit more powerful then most if not all the pokemon you found it that level, the fact that there are challenges and you'll want to collect all the pokemon will make the game quite long!

I looked at the length of a walkthrough, I estimated that the videos would be between 10-15 minuets long, and looked at how many videos there where, 17 I believe, so this game is short, collecting all the pokemon will extend gameplay dramatically!

So far it's been fun, but going into levels 7-8 times to collect all the pokemon is irritating, at least its not over with in 5 minutes, I can't say its quite worth £13 unless you really love pokemon, but its a fun party game, and if you're feeling down because all your games your trying to beat are long, then pick this up, you'll beat it in no time and should keep up your spirit, unless your a completionist, then never ever pick up a pokemon game ever!

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