Tuesday, 3 December 2013

PS4 jail broken in only a few weeks of launch

So the PS4 was launched a few weeks ago and has already been jail broken!
A tutorial of how to hack the PS4 was released online

So a hacker by the name of Reckz0r jailbroke the PS4, so the PS4 accepts pirated games!
Sony has responded to the hacker and has demanded that the link is taken down and files be deleted!

The image contains some bad language, thus if you wish to see the image, click here!

Now what does this mean for the gaming community?
Quite allot actually, though it may seem like just a hack that sony can patch up, it has big affects!
The PSP was hacked alot, and easily, so the PS vita now has DRM which means that you can only interact to the vita through Sonys software, thus you can't use Linux, and can't interact as easily, speaking about linux, the PS3 was also hacked, I believe this is why we can't get Linux on PS3 and why we don't currently have so much freedom with the PS4 yet, such as music player, external hard drives, putting images on the PS4, they may come at some point, but will probably take longer!

What else does it mean? well most importantly, the people it affects the most, the developers, game developers may not feel so easy about developing for the PS4, worried that people will hack the hardware so they can play there games for free!

Luckily it's practically impossible for developers to develop for the XBO alone, Currently the PS4 has almost double the sales of the PS4 and even if lets say 20 people hack and pirate the games, it's not many, alot of people don't like hacking there hardware... at least not until it's dead, so we shouldn't be to worried about the hacking, but we should keep an eye on it, because it could damage the PS4!

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