Tuesday, 7 January 2014

How Ubuntu Smart Scopes Could Improve The Playstation Experience!

Ubuntu Touch is a new an interesting phone Operating System and it has some innovative ideas such as Smart Scopes, mainly touch based gui, a new feeling to a phone!
So lets give Ubuntu Touch a PSN smart scope and application and see how it would improve the Playstation experience over Android and IOS!

Smart Scopes are great, if you search for something you can find something new, you can buy things, it offers fact's, items, rumours, etc
Its a very interesting piece of software and offers new and exciting ways to discover things!

Sony's been connecting there devices together, got an Xperia Phone? connect it easily with your bravia TV and Playstation 4!
This is a great way to make your ecosystem great, but Ubuntu Touch and Scopes offer a more seamless intergeneration, since Ubuntu on the phone runs the same code as Ubuntu on the laptop It's much easier to integrate the PC with the Phone, Its clear that Canonical and Sony have similar ideas with integration!

So lets have a look and see what Ubuntu Touch, and our more focused area of Smart Scopes, could help Sony's PS4 department!

The PS4 is now out and the PlayStation App is out on Android and iOS, The Playstation App has some features that could easily be integrated with the Ubuntu Touch phone without having to open the application!

First lets sort out the obvious one, Friends, Friends you have on PSN could easily be seen on the phone, with out the application, on Ubuntu Touch on the People screen you could see that your friend earned a trophy in a game, or perhaps you could see that someone played a game for the first time, and it would show you if that person is online or not!
This could encourage you to play the game again, or talk to your friend about that game, and you wouldn't have had to open an application to check!

Sony could integrate the friends list of PSN with the Friends Ubuntu application as well this would mean that you could sign in with Twitter, Facebook, Google + and PSN on the Friends application and get all updates from all them places at once!
「Twitter ~ Playstation: Find out what's new in PlayStation Home this week: http://bit.ly/1acNoMf
PSN ~ yosp played EA SPORTS FIFA 14」

With Smart scopes you could even search for trophies
Perhaps you could search threw trophies of a game that you have, or search a game and see the trophies that come with it, it could tell you which friends got the trophy but I'd rather see this in a different scope or just have it in the official PlayStation application personally!

Games and Applications
I see this as the biggest feature that Sony and Canonical could create for PlayStation!
PlayStation Network Game integration! 

You just search Crash Bandicoot in the home page and you see the PSN games!
I see this as a big feature, if you see that your friend just played or bought Crash Bandicoot from PSN on the friends page or app, you could easily go to the home page on the ubuntu touch phone, type in Crash Bandicoot, you could see the wikipedia page, you could have a read about it, you could see reviews and what friends are playing the game or talking about it, and then if it's looking good you can scroll down, tap Crash Bandicoot, buy it and it's downloading on your PS4, PS3 or Vita without needing to open an application, and with very little hastle!

With this theres no need to go onto the web browser search for crash bandicoot, find the right website, go back, find another website, to gather the information, no need to search crash and go to a million different websites, just go to the home screen, search crash bandicoot, and find the things important to you quickly and easily!

I think that doing having this feature would sell many more games on PSN!
here's another example, you hear about octodad so you type in octodad in on the home screen, you tap the wikipedia option, it shows you a bit of information, "Oh it was originally a PC game hmm" so you click of that, you then see in the reddit options people talking about the PS4 version of the game, it tells you good things about it, so you tap off and scroll down, you see octodad, you see that it's on PSN so you tap it, pay for it and it downloads on the PS4!

One for all Ubuntu
Here's one great thing for Sony if they choose to add Ubuntu support, if they do make an application for the Ubuntu Touch Phone, they wont have to put effort in porting it to the tablet or desktop, they make it once for the phone and it works on the desktop and tablet!

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