Disgaea 3 came to the vita just last year, and now theres a port of Disgaea 4 coming out soon!
Disgaea 4 is already out for the PS3, but it's not portable!
Theres a quote out there somewhere, and it goes along these lines "The best things come in small packages" , I'm not so sure of how true this is, but in the case of Disgaea, it sure is true!
On the Vita we've already seen Disgaea 3 with all its PS3 dlc and extra's making it better and smaller hardware wise then a PS3 with the Blu-ray disk!
Disgaea 4 will have some new features on the handheld, it will most likely have the PS3 DLC, and perhaps new content and characters, perhaps an appearance from Disgaea d2 *coff coff* Female Laharl *coff coff* Oh sorry about that, Bad coff lately!
The game is coming out in January 2014!
The Vita version of Disgaea 3 came out december 17 in 2011 in Japan later followed by a April release in 2012 in America and europe, with that and the fact that all of the disgaea series has made it to the UK and USA, I wont be to worried about if, and more worried about when!
Sauces: Destructoid Inside-Games
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