Friday, 12 July 2013

Super Mario 3D World - Gameplay

So E3 came and went, went quite a while ago.. ao I'm definitely late, but I felt that it wasn't worth commenting on the game from what I saw before, I felt as though it would be nothing new, but now I'll show you gameplay and give a little comment on it!

Ok so Mario is a great series no need to doubt that, it's pretty amazing, but the 2d marios are very close to the same, and the 3d mario's I get confused in how I feel about them!..

Mario 3D World and Sonic Lost World's will probably come out at around the same time, I don't feel like this will be a bitter rivalry, but more as they will bot compliment each other, and boost wii-U sales, and although at the start I was feeling like, Mario's gonna be the same, at least Sonics got something new, that even though Mario is pretty similar to there older games, Mario can still pack a punch!

Ok so lets look at some gameplay and my little comments!

This Level seemed to similar to some of the 3D Land mario game, I saw this level and didn't feel like adventuring into other gameplay video's but it gets better so if any of you felt like me, lets adventure on! But it is nice to see nintendo add some new features like using the wii-U pad as something that affects the camera, but I don't think I'd use it much!

This level seem's much more interesting, the pipes being an interesting feature, it seems to suit the look and the camera angles are nice, I like this level! I'm no feminist, but if peach is leading the way, toad, mario and Luigi can see up her dress, not very lovely, didn't know they where such pervs! >.< =P

I cant really comment on this level, it's nice, no worries, but I can't really think of anything to say, its really nice, and don't change it nintendo!

I like this stage, it reminds me a little of the penguin level in Mario 64, except much warmer and with no race!
I really like this level, it looks enjoyable, I don't want to many levels like this, but it's really nice to see them like this non the less!

The bosses seem interesting, but as a world 4 boss, I think it's a little easy!

Over all this game seems like its going to be interesting and fun, and even though my first thought was, awe its just gonna be the same, I'm going to keep my eyes on this, and hopefully it will end up amazingly good!

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